In the early part of February, life came at me fast — literally. My family and I were driving back from a weekend trip. We saw a bunch of friends that we hadn't seen in a while and felt like the trip was generally productive. Out of nowhere, a deer leapt onto the highway, with no time to swerve. The impact was loud... violent... and jarring. All the airbags deployed around us. Metal twisted, glass shattered, and just like that, our car was totaled.
We sat there in silence for a moment with hearts pounding, hands shaking, trying to catch our breath and process what just happened. Miraculously, we all walked away with just a few bumps and bruises. But whew… the emotional impact! But that's another story. We each were shaken, a little rattled, but grateful to be alive. Sooooo grateful!
What made it worse was, just two weeks earlier, I’d injured my knee at the gym. You ever have one of those workouts where you know your body is saying, "Nope, not today"? Yeah, that was me, flipping massive tractor tires like I was auditioning for American Ninja Warrior when, in reality, my knee was screaming for mercy. Swelling. Stiffness. Pain that wrapped around my leg like a vise.
When I went in for a chiropractic visit, seeing the whole picture, she told me to sit down somewhere and chill — take a break, let my body heal. So I did. I took a month off training, icing my knee, doing what needed to be done. And then last week...I finally went back.
Let me tell you — it hurts like hell!
Every squat and every stretch felt like my knee was plotting revenge.
It made me think of my mom. Years ago, she had knee replacement surgery. I remember watching her grit her teeth through physical therapy — every painful bend and stretch — because she knew the cost of not moving was greater than the temporary pain. She didn’t want to lose her mobility, and that stuck with me.
Now here I am, facing a similar choice. Do I stay down or push through? Truth is, I’m not where I want to be. My knee is tight and bending feels like punishment. I can’t do everything I used to… yet. But I’m committed to doing the work now to fight for me later.
It hurts...but I refuse to give up on myself.
It hurts, but I’ve added yoga three times a week, slow, intentional movements that stretch every muscle.
Some days, I roll off my mat and think, “Lord, I am just gonna take an extended break...this stuff hurts too much!” And then I remember my yoga instructor, in her calm, knowing voice saying, "Just acknowledge the pain. Say Thank You to it." Pain is just a signal. A reminder that something in us is waking up, that there’s still work to do, still growth waiting for us on the other side.
And y’all… getting older? is a beeeotch! I no longer just move my body for leisure, but it is a necessity. But what’s the alternative? To stop? To shrink?
Nah. I’m choosing to stretch myself...the literal one and the one that grows me. We need the is what helps us to feel alive and strive for something more. Just know matter what you grow's gonna has to, that is part of the learning process. So just grit your teeth and go on in and do it anyway.
What about you? Have you noticed shifts in your body or in life that are creating discomforts and pain? How have you push past it? I’d love to hear about it. Hit reply you know I read every message.
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Much Love,
Chef Beee
Hope you enjoy every bit of it.
Much love, Chef Beee 🌱
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